Augenwischer, joint exhibition GA, Group Global3000Transformation, solo exhibition EA, Galerie PrimobuchKatzenwäsche, GA, Group Global 3000
The Good Life, GA, Group Global 3000
KrisenFEST, GA, WerkStadt, Berlin
FUENF VOR 12, GA, MP43, Berlin Air , GA, ARNE, Berlin Transformation, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Climate Tipping Points, GA, VBK, Berlin
Endless Summer, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Commentary on the Present, EA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Beuys for Future, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Climate Tipping Points Preview, GA, VBK, Berlin
Corona and the climate crisis, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Art of sustainability, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Home: Think global, act local, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Fossil addiction, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin
Market light, EA, installation in Storkow (Mark) Artists for Future, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin RE-SPACE / Raum zurückholen, GA, 10 Jahre Netzwerk freier Berliner Projekträume und -initiativen Sintflut heute, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Es verschlägt mir den Atem, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin
The soil we live on, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Farmer seeks industry, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin
Haut zu Markte tragen, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin documenta ulaanbaatar kassel, GA at UFO in Kassel (municipality of Biebergemünd/South Hesse)
Human time, we are creating a new Earth epoch!, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Das Meer, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin
Verkehr für Menschen, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin CARGO. Alles immer überall, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Das Gute und das Böse, GA, Kulturhaus Mestlin Global Stacks, GA, Global Stacks USB-Shuffle-SHOW (three), GA, Institute for all kinds of things
Energy consumption, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Being through having, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin
Spontaneous Nature, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Recycle, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin Perlt!, GA, Atelierhof Werenzhain, Doberlug-Kirchhain WORKS, GA, Group Global 3000, Berlin
48-Stunden Neukölln, 14th art and culture festival, GA, Berlin Alte Feuerwache, GA, Cologne, with the artist group sichtbarKUNSTHALLEM3 FEATURING KÜNSTLER SALON MURID BOSH, GA, Berlin
WE CAN START A PROCESS, KREUZBERG PAVILION, GA, Berlin Urlaub in Berlin, GA, Atelierhof Kreuzberg Leistungsschau, KUNSTHALLE am Hamburger Platz, GA, Berlin 48 Stunden Neukölln, 13th Art and Culture Festival, GA, Berlin
Stadthaus, GA, Parchim Waldenreuthermühle, EA, Kalteneck 48-Stunden Neukölln, 12th Art and Culture Festival, GA, Berlin Butterbrot, INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL PROJECT, GA, Berlin tmp.plate. art.hermitage, personal belongings, GA, Berlin
Waldenreuthermühle, EA, Kalteneck
48 Stunden Neukölln, 11th art and culture festival, GA, Berlin
tmp 5/2, “art and sustainability” discourse, GA, Berlin
Kiezoase, GA, Berlin perzept, tmp.deluxe, GA, Berlin
Food Coop Bergmannstrasse, EA, Berlin
Gallery Hohenfriedbergstraße, EA, Berlin
Talks, lectures