Enlarging the ecological handprint

Globes, Tom Albrecht, Performance, Berlin, 2010

    Globes, Tom Albrecht, Performance, Berlin, 2010

We can increase the ecological handprint by influencing the environment and society to protect resources more, e.g:

  • in target groups: Neighbors, friends, public, colleagues, company, association, politics
  • Vote for the Climate Protection Party
  • Donations to Greenpeace, ADFC, Klimaschutz im Bundestag e.V.
  • Ecol. Start or support initiatives in the home, in the neighborhood, among acquaintances
  • Set up a sustainability working group in the association, at the workplace
  • As an artist ecol. Working on and exhibiting themes in the plant
  • Demonstrate: Climate demo, “We’re fed up”
  • Go to an ethical bank. Current accounts: GLS Bank, Ethik Bank, Triodos Bank, Pax Bank, Umwelt Bank for loans, call money accounts, savings contracts. Invest money sustainably
  • Formulate political demands, join for-future-buendnis.de
  • Writing letters to the editor, members of parliament
  • Correcting fossil narratives in online forums