The public media report on this:
The public media report on this:
We can increase the ecological handprint by influencing the environment and society to protect resources more, e.g:
The car Ego shooter, penis enlargement, status symbol, fun machine, prestige factor, addictive substance, toy Enjoyment of freedom Often still necessary in the countryside Accident risk, head-on collision, speeding, weapon Air polluter, noise producer, fine dust producer Resource guzzler, climate killer, landscape sealer, insect killer Conqueror Extended living room, rolling box, shelter, sex den, place of residence Practical device Work tool Export hit, workplace, economic factor
“A train ride through D
See the trees and think some might die.
See the cows and think of their methane.
See the streams and think they might dry up.
See the high voltage towers and think of more solar power.
See the houses and think they are not ready for the new climate.
See a perfumed woman and glad to wear a mask.
See the ground seal flat buildings and think of water floods.
Experience the German Train chaos and think of former Head Mr. Mehdorn, who also thought the market would fix it.
See the future of the world gloomy. It is hitting our children and now the countries that are already threatened.
So slowly the future arrives.
In our case, it’s the pools that we’re no longer allowed to fill, the foresters whose forest is dying away,
the farmers who do not get enough water, the water workers who have problems with nitrates.
The time as a carefree post-war child is over.
Something positive
See the green admonishers in academia, the green actors in society, the green struggling politicians.”
South Tyrol the apple chemical country
In the middle of it all the star top hotel
The guest does not want to know.
Little tree on the rack
They wear a lot and drop.
Varieties green and a little red.
The grass withers from the chemo ray
The water rushes and drips
Top nets gray for protection
Insects and the birds hardly
There is drought in the land.
But three biotopes there
There are the frogs
Even birds call lonely
One rejoices in the insect
Sprayed the 60 substances 20 times
Poison measured in the drift
In summer, village and mountains.
The market is like that.
One knows about the extinction of species.
Criticism of the pesticide comes to court.
Fortunately, the opinion prevailed freely.
This is how you live now as a guest.
But rejoice in life.
Tom Albrecht, South Tyrol. IT, 17.7.22
High pesticide drift pollutes environment
When is Berlin full? When the rents are too high, the real estate too expensive, the summers too hot, the greenery missing, the traffic congested, the soil sealed?
Monetary value, Siersdorf, 2011, 7 x 1.70 m, plant bucket with potting soil. Garbage from the landscape
Berlin, 31.12.2021
Tom Albrecht
Commentary on the present
The art of sustainability
Works from 1965 to 2021
Selbstverlag, Berlin, 2021, German, 80 pages, 17 x 24 cm, softcover 300g/m² recycled paper, content 110g/m² recycled white,
stapled, climate neutral
ISBN 978-3-00-069503-2
17,50 Euro plus postage
Vernissage“Commentary on the Present
August 13, 2021, 7 pm
Gallery Group Global 3000
Leuschnerdamm 19, 10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Get your copy at the book launch or order it by emailing me at kontakt@tomalbrechtart.de or at any good bookstore.
Whoever accepts them, protects himself and others, can do well.
Those who cling to the old, resist, are stressed.
There are new things to discover,
the quiet street,
the winter bloomers fragrant,
the winter bloomers shining,
the unfamiliar bench for five minutes,
with wine and savoury biscuits,
the walk with friends,
the walking that makes you warm,
People, things, architecture that never stood out,
Looking forward to spring, plans for places opening later.
It’s a difficult exercise.
Letting go of comfortable habits
From physically traveling, physically consuming, physically encountering.
Farewell to Higher, Faster, Further.
Practicing making do with what you have.
Practice digital begetting.
Working for a climate-friendly future