Battery animal

Battery animal, Berlin, 2015, object, pine cone, battery. 8 x 4 x 5 cm. A new species animal. Hexapodus integerrimus Starf. 2015 Bestia pedibus sexibus caudisque duis invento in litore at Torpetio. Accorporata relicti actuositatis humanorum ut batteriae.
Battery animal, Berlin, 2015, object, pine cone, battery. 8 x 4 x 5 cm. A new kind of animal. Hexapodus integerrimus Starf. 2015 Bestia pedibus sexibus caudisque duis invento in litore at Torpetio. Accorporata relicti actuositatis humanorum ut batteriae.


Moving object, 2012, Berlin, 20 X 20 X 13 cm, dentures, motor, mechanics, 30 LEDs, fabric, paint, electronics, wooden housing, 230V connection. An artificial denture, whose teeth glow brightly from the inside, rattles when it moves. The white teeth are meant to help compete in the beauty market. The work gives a glimpse into the future, where it will be considered chic to show glowing teeth. Nature is supposed to be helped in this way. The profane chattering, throws the viewer back to the current earthly, where you eat and sometimes have to keep your mouth shut.
Moving object, 2012, Berlin, 20 X 20 X 13 cm, dentures, motor, mechanics, 30 LEDs, fabric, paint, electronics, wooden housing, 230V connection. An artificial denture, whose teeth shine brightly from the inside, rattles when it moves. The white teeth should help to compete in the market of beauty. The work gives a glimpse into the future, where it will be considered chic to show bright teeth. Nature should be helped in this way. The profane clattering, throws the viewer back to the actual earthly, where one eats and sometimes has to keep one’s mouth shut.

Video 19 sec

Rain Motor

Rain engine. 2011, Berlin, 100 x 100 x 20 cm. Electric motor, gearbox, Copado cactus, Arduino random generator, relay, power supply, housing, cable.
Rain motor. 2011, Berlin, 100 x 100 x 20 cm. Electric motor, gearbox, Copado cactus, Arduino random generator, relay, power supply, housing, cable

Video (53 Sec.)

The moving object produces rain sound driven by motor and controlled by chance.

It is our machines that simulate and destroy nature. Allure with sound and power over nature. Nature has its own dynamics in chance, which we can no longer influence.
