Fossil Party

Fossil Party, object, Berlin, 2024. object box, mirror ball, motor 62 rpm, LEDs, photo
Fossil Party, object, Berlin, 2024. Object box, mirror ball, motor 62 rpm, LEDs, photo “Wesen spielt mit den beiden Weltkugeln”, electronics, 45 x 26.5 x 29 cm. We party with the climate crisis deniers, the fascist president and the hate envy algorithms



Malle. 2024, Berlin. Eco-sponge, text on paper, painting body, 24 x 30 x 3 cm. An eco-sponge made of cellulose and coconut fibers sticks in the middle of the open box above the text
Malle. 2024, Berlin. Eco-sponge, text on paper, painting body, 24 x 30 x 3 cm. An eco-sponge made of cellulose and coconut fibers is stuck in the middle of the open box above the text “I always take my eco-sponge with me to Malle!” The object shows the illusion of indulgence. As if avoiding the purchase of new kitchen sponges could compensate for the CO2 emissions of the flight. The great burden on the climate is displaced by the flight on vacation.

Car flowers

Car flowers, object, Berlin, 2024, 23 x 27.5 x 1.5 cm, meadow flowers pressed and dried, toy car, picture frame with glass.
Car flowers, object, Berlin, 2024, 23 x 27.5 x 1.5 cm, meadow flowers pressed and dried, toy car, picture frame with glass. The car as a cultural asset.


Transformation (2022)
Object, wood, waste cardboard, solar panel from advertising, paint, glue, plastic

An extinguished wood fire, oil barrel and a solar panel are arranged rising on a staircase. The work presents the phases of man’s energy extraction from nature. Gone are the pre-industrial days with the open wood fire on the left. We are in the middle of the fossil phase and need to enter renewable energy production on the right because of the acute climate crisis. Through our use of fossil fuels, we have caused a climate crisis that threatens humanity. The transformation consists of quickly replacing fossil energy production with renewable energy.