One point five degrees Target buried

The global climate protection target of
The global climate protection target of “one point five degrees” is being buried by inaction. An action on waste. Berlin, January 2025
The global climate protection target of
The global climate protection target of “one point five degrees” is being buried by inaction. An action on waste. Berlin, January 2025
The global climate protection target of
The global climate protection target of “one point five degrees” is being buried by inaction. An action on waste. Berlin, January 2025

The public media report on this:

Prayer for the good sustainable life

Tom Albrecht: Prayer for the Good Sustainable Life. Text spoken together, 1 min., Berlin 2023
Tom Albrecht: Prayer for the Good Sustainable Life. Text spoken together, 1 min., Berlin 2023

Praying for the good sustainable life is independent of religion or known faith communities. Prayer should awaken and strengthen strength for the good sustainable life.

The Good Sustainable Living has a vision. We are working to achieve them. It supports the United Nations‘ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The prayer is said together, without irony, all standing in a circle.


“Our higher power is doing things together for the good of sustainable life.

We pray to receive the strength for this.

I see Good Sustainable Living as the only way for the future of people on earth.

I connect with the vision of the good sustainable life.

I am active for the Good Sustainable Living.

I work together with other people for the good sustainable life

This gives me strength”

Thank you!

Prayer spoken together on 16.6.23, finissage of the exhibition “The good life”.

Get ass up

Tom Albrecht + Stephan Groß
Get Ass Up (2022)
Performance on 1.4.2022, Vernissage of the exhibition“Transformation“, Group Global 3000, Berlin
Speech performance with guitar,bird whistles, baking tray, singing bowl and deer antlers Tom Albrecht: text, voice, sounds and Stephan Groß: guitar. The audience will be impressively motivated as a contribution to the transformation of society with proposals and brisk speech to become active against the climate crisis.

Exhibition: Commentary on the Present

Object: Dropping rod. 2009, Berlin, 1030 x 71 x 47 cm, drop rod, hubcap. Nature meets
Object: Dropping rod. 2009, Berlin, 1030 x 71 x 47 cm, drop bar, hubcap. Encounters with nature

Works by Tom Albrecht

13.8.-8.10. 2021

Artistic work on the state of our society and its relationship to nature with 50 works by Tom Albrecht from 1965 – 2021.
Actions, photographs, text, installations, moving objects, video, Super 8 .
The teeth shine. The NPP is dancing. The shell shows its treasure. The canister becomes human. The cow’s udder is plump. Globes fly, and so does the touch-me-not. Homage is paid to the logos. Corona yells. The fossil club looms.

“Something ironic and slightly absurd resonates there – a special form of wit or poetic humour is inherent in his work, which makes things – even if they weigh heavily – light and thus easier to grasp. Not the moral reproach, but rather the unexpected image, the oblique idea lie in Tom Albrecht’s artistic calculation.” Dr. Peter Funken, 2021.

Tom Albrecht founded Group Global 3000 in 2012 as a project space with a gallery and has since curated 53 exhibitions with the team.

Program ” Commentary on the Present

Opening Aug. 13, 2021, 7 p.m:
Welcome with book presentation Tom Albrecht, introduction Dr. Peter Funken

Artist talk 27.8, 7 pm: Tom Albrecht talks about his works with guests.

Lecture with talk Sept. 24, 7 p.m.: “Sustainability in Art –  Critique of the Existing. Where and how should sustainability enter art?” Ticia Tanne, University of the Arts, Berlin

Workshop for artists and guests 17.9., 7 pm: What is the power of the art of sustainability for the artists, their material and for their counterpart? Introduction by Tom Albrecht

Finissage 8.10., 7 p.m.: Performance “Nachhaltig Tun” GG3-Team

Place: Group Global 3000

Tunnel with prostration


Tunnel with prostration before the achievements of modern times. Action, 2019. text
Tunnel with prostration before the achievements of modern times. Action, 2019. Text

The tunnel relieves the place. You can eat your ice cream in peace over it. There are only a few cars left. For example the ones you should see. He also attracts cars because things are faster now. If you stay at the exit of the tunnel it is a little noisy. And on the left is a shopping center. You don’t see that here. But you can get there faster and pack everything in the trunk right away. That is practical. The green will definitely be home to valuable species.

Channel Disco


Piguin man fishes poop sausages out of the sewage overflow. - The mermaid sings the
Pinguin man fishes poop sausages out of the sewage overflow. – The mermaid sings the “Lorely Song”
The sewage outlet is alive!
The sewage outlet is alive!

Art action at the sewage overflow No. 9846 at the Wildenbruch Bridge in Berlin, Neukölln, Schiffahrtskanal, Kiehlufer in the context of the “Art and Culture Festival 48 STUNDEN NEUKÖLLN” 16.6.2012.

Tom Albrecht: Installation, performance and concept,
Amy J. Klement: Performance, Installation

We continued the “Making Bathwater” action from 2011 with installation, sound and performance. A two-hour lifeact. The scaled maiden from the sea acts on a raft with a comb and sings the Lorel song, the penguin man fishes for giant sausages, garlanded with tinsel.


When it rains heavily, the sewer system overflows and a mixture of rain and sewage with fecal matter from streets, roofs and households flows into the sewer. Polluted canal water, oxygen deficiency, fish mortality, bathing prohibition are the result. Berlin has 160 “emergency outlets”. A misguided development of our urban development and the way we treat nature.
The few overflow reservoirs and the canal management of the water companies are not sufficient.

Our demands

The canals should get bathing quality again!
More roofs and the channel in shallow water zones need to be greened,
City areas to be unsealed,
Rain  seeps,
Ships create fewer waves,
Separate waste and storm sewers,
less wastewater has to be treated in an energy-intensive way.

Lost Brook

Lost Brook. Bäke, Berlin, 2013, action. Bäke, a brook that originated on the Fichteberg in Berlin Steglitz, was used for the course of the Teltow Canal, piped, used as a sewage overflow during heavy rains and embedded in stone. The inscription on its manhole covers makes it visible.
Lost Brook. Bäke, Berlin, 2013, Action. Bäke, a brook that originated on the Fichteberg in Berlin Steglitz, was used for the course of the Teltow Canal, was piped, used as a sewage overflow during heavy rainfall, and bedded in stone. The lettering on his manhole covers makes him visible.
Lost brook 2nd Bäke, Berlin, 2013, action. Bäke, a brook that originated on the Fichteberg in Berlin Steglitz, was used for the course of the Teltow Canal, piped, used as a sewage overflow during heavy rains and embedded in stone. The inscription on its manhole covers makes it visible.
Lost Brook 2.
Lost brook 3rd Bäke, Berlin, 2013, action. Bäke, a brook that originated on the Fichteberg in Berlin Steglitz, was used for the course of the Teltow Canal, piped, used as a sewage overflow during heavy rains and embedded in stone. The inscription on its manhole covers makes it visible.
Lost Brook 3.
Lost brook 4 Bäke, Berlin, 2013, Action. Bäke, a brook that originated on the Fichteberg in Berlin Steglitz, used for the course of the Teltow Canal, piped, used as a sewage overflow during heavy rain and embedded in stone. The inscription on its manhole covers makes it visible.
Lost Brook 4 .

Playing with globes

Globe. Performance, 2010, Berlin Landwehrkanal, Passau Kalteneck Waldenreuthermühle an der Ilz, Parchim. Drums, fur, two globes, scent of the forest, scent of fabric softener. The history of worlds and the greatness of mankind condensed into a short time, accompanied by sound and scent.
Playing with globes Performances, 2010, Berlin  Landwehrkanal, Waldenreuthermühle an der Ilz, Parchim. Drums, fur, two balls, scent of the forest, scent of fabric softener. The history of the worlds and the greatness of mankind condensed in a short time, accompanied by sound and scent.


Sein-Haben-Raum, 2014, Berlin GG3, action with guests, two times two chairs, sign, book
To-have-space, 2014, Berlin GG3, action with guests, two times two chairs, sign, book



You can:

  • go in,
  • sit down on a chair “being” for three minutes, close your eyes and watch yourself see what you see,
  • sit down on a chair “having” for three minutes, close your eyes and watch yourself seeing and
  • write down what you have seen anonymously in the guestbook.


  • You can go in,

  • sit three minutes on a chair “being”, close your eyes and watch yourself, what you see,

  • sit three minutes on a chair “having”, close your eyes and watch yourself, what you see and

  • may note what you have seen anonymously in the guestbook.


Anonymous 1, Being-Having-Space, 2014, Berlin GG3
Anonymous 1, Being-Having-Space, 2014, Berlin GG3


Corona Performance / Viral Horizons

Corona Performance / Viral Horizons, Tom Albrecht and Rosa Schmidt (Video, 14:35) 2020, Storkow (M)
Corona Performance / Viral Horizons, Tom Albrecht and Rosa Schmidt (Video, 14:35) 2020, Storkow (M)

Corona Performance / Viral Horizons

The idea for this performance arose spontaneously under the first impression of the threat of the corona virus and the following shutdown of the economy, travel and physical encounters. “The virus is the most radical decelerator of our time”. (Hartmut Rosa)

Climate change and the Corona pandemic are linked. Being globally everywhere and using global resources is part of the reason for the pandemic. More and more people are claiming more and more wildlife habitats, land use has changed dramatically, wildlife, livestock and animal products are transported around the globe, and global travel has increased dramatically.


The planet a sphere, yielding to gravity a breathing, an admission to rotation in the colored twilight, to perishability, to becoming and passing, an exercise in trust in the carrying capacity of the earth’s crust, an overcoming of civilization’s flight acceleration frenzy, a momentary collapse of total networking, an attempt at vanity withdrawal, a suspension, a farewell, a flapping of wings, a prayer close to the earth, an erection of the spine against the gesture of domination, a shift in perspective in several sequences, a transformation of technototalitarian arrogance.

The future is open

A joint dice game around personal visions in the exhibition “Artists for Future” by and with Tom Albrecht. Ms. 6.12.2019. Our game went very entertainingly in three hours. Laughter, seriousness and informative discussion alternated. We agreed, the game should be spread and marketed!

Future Game Result, (C) T.A. The Future is Open
Future Game Result, (C) T.A.

Future Game Result, (C) T.A.

GG3 as social sculpture

GG3 as Social Sculpture. As the founder and operator, I see this project as social sculpture in the Beysian sense. An art that pursues the claim to have a formative effect on society.

Group Global 3000 (GG3) opened Jan. 5, 2013, “Group Global 3000” for art and other sustainability project space.

Logo of the
Logo “Group Global 3000”. (C) T.A. We live like we have a second world.

Changing exhibitions, moderated talks, lectures, workshops. The 50th exhibition in 2019.

We offer space for more artists to run the space together for art and other sustainability.

Egg burying

Egg Excavation. Action by Tom Albrecht on Düsseldorf’s Rhine meadow

1971, film, Tom Albrecht, idea and execution

Egg excavation. Action by Tom Albrecht on Düsseldorf's Rhine meadow
Egg excavation 2
Egg excavation. Action by Tom Albrecht on Düsseldorf's Rhine meadow
Egg excavation Tom Albrecht

Super 8 / DVD, 3 minutes, color
Action on Düsseldorf Rhine meadow

The actor Tom Albrecht approaches the Rhine meadow in Düsseldorf with a spade, digs a hole, lays the egg in it. The second actor pours water on the egg with a silver pot. The hole is filled again and covered with the sod. Credits.
Action 1971

video on Vimeo.

Make bath water


Man with penguin mask pours sewer water through cloth into pool to bathe in it
Man with penguin mask pours sewer water through cloth into pool to bathe in it


18.6. and 19.6.2011
Berlin, Neukölln, shipping canal

Bathing in the Landwehr Canal

The bathroom at the front door was a matter of course until the 1950s, but today it is a dangerous luxury.  When it rains heavily, the sewer system overflows and a mixture of rain and sewage with fecal matter from streets, roofs and households flows into the sewer. Polluted canal water, oxygen deficiency, fish mortality, bathing prohibition are the result. An aberration in our treatment of nature.

The few overflow reservoirs and the canal management of the water companies are not enough.  The canals should get bathing quality again!  More roofs and the canal in shallow water zones must be greened, city surfaces must be unsealed, rain  must be infiltrated, ships must create fewer waves, wastewater and stormwater canals must be separated, less wastewater must be treated in an energy-intensive way.

We cleaned the water from the shipping canal and I bathed in it with the active participation of the guests.


“Great. Next year I’m going in! My dream : bathing in the Spree!!! ( a cousin did it in 1961 and I was small and heavily impressed; however the whole family declared him crazy and had to take a shower afterwards ) A.”

“Well, that was a happening of Jesuit dimenson. R.”

“…. I would have liked to have seen that, if only for nostalgic reasons: my father, a Neuköllner by heart and soul, always told us that he bathed in the canal as a boy. It gave him great pleasure and did him no harm. A.”