“A train ride through D
See the trees and think some might die.
See the cows and think of their methane.
See the streams and think they might dry up.
See the high voltage towers and think of more solar power.
See the houses and think they are not ready for the new climate.
See a perfumed woman and glad to wear a mask.
See the ground seal flat buildings and think of water floods.
Experience the German Train chaos and think of former Head Mr. Mehdorn, who also thought the market would fix it.
See the future of the world gloomy. It is hitting our children and now the countries that are already threatened.
So slowly the future arrives.
In our case, it’s the pools that we’re no longer allowed to fill, the foresters whose forest is dying away,
the farmers who do not get enough water, the water workers who have problems with nitrates.
The time as a carefree post-war child is over.
Something positive
See the green admonishers in academia, the green actors in society, the green struggling politicians.”